Survey Says
Survey Says is a ‘program’ or ‘system’ where the primary goal is to increase sales by improving the quality of service and products at each location through the measurement and understanding of a guest’s level of satisfaction.
Survey Says provides a much larger, and timelier, sampling than traditional mystery shopper programs or in-store and online customer comment cards. This significantly improves the ability to track the performance of each location.
Financial incentives for store management can also be added to promote practices intended to develop satisfied, loyal customers.
When compared to other guest satisfaction measuring tools and approaches, Survey Says offers the most value for the lowest price.
System Features
• Detailed/customizable feedback reporting
• Includes unlimited number of surveys (volume of potential surveys customizable at POS)
• Ongoing measurement of customer satisfaction
• Customizable quick send e-mail templates
• Customizable question list
• Collect detailed contact and demographic information, including e-mail address with ‘opt-in’ functionality
• Instant e-mail notification of low scoring surveys
• Support for different surveys for different locations, or location groups
• Survey grouping
• Export data for detailed analysis
• Print or e-mail surveys
• Printable Coupons
• View live survey data online
• Easy to administer
• Multiple levels of access
How does it work?
1. The restaurant POS issues a Survey Check at a predefined interval. This check includes a Survey Code, along with instructions on how to use it to log in to the survey site.
2. The survey site is the web site where customers take the survey. Once they complete their survey, they are presented with a Redeem Code.
3. The Redeem Code is then written on the original Survey Check, which makes it a valid coupon, or is printed on a custom designed printable coupon. This coupon can now be redeemed at any location.
4. The Coupon Redemption site is a website where store managers can redeem a coupon using the Redeem Code. Additionally, the Redeem Application can be run on each POS terminal to allow for immediate coupon validation. Coupon redemption acts a deterrent against fraud, as well as, provides detailed tracking and statistics on survey and coupon usage.